Welcome to Muzungu

Founders Funding Founders



Though great new business ideas are being conceived every minute, the truth is: most of them never see the light of day.

At Muzungu, we pave the way for talented entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to life. We help translate business cases into feasible strategies, keeping an eye on even the smallest details to ensure big results. In short, we help get companies into shape to maintain a successful business model and strong market position for years to come.



Muzungu creates value. We identify entrepreneurial figures who have the right skill sets to make their dreams come true and support them on their way to the top – in part by providing the liquidity needed for development and growth. We’re both a sounding board and an active sparring partner, examining projects from the perspective of experienced, successful entrepreneurs. We use our deep-seated knowledge to give the founders of new companies the tools they need to make good decisions and reach the targets and goals they’ve set.

We like to get involved in the early stages of a project at a volume of anywhere from 250 thousand to 2 million euros. We’re extremely selective about the ideas and companies we invest in – most of which have their home bases in Europe and the USA – for one simple reason: We only focus on industries in which we’re experts.


We only focus on industries in which we’re experts.

Digital Marketing

Online Advertising

Ad Technologies

Social Media

Content Marketing

We’re not in the copycat business. We seek out original, innovative ideas with the potential to become the next big thing. Because the line between “brilliant” and “crazy” can be very thin indeed, we examine ideas closely to identify where their real value lies.


If you want to learn to swim instead of sink, you need an expert instructor. Muzungu is like having your own personal crew of Olympic swimmers. Together, our hand-picked team has a history of establishing and managing a number of successful companies. Ronald Paul, the founder of Muzungu Capital, has seen it all, from his company’s humble beginnings in his apartment to navigating a successful international exit strategy for his 400-staff-strong performance marketing agency.

Funding may be a necessity, but it’s not always the only thing needed to take a company to the top. That’s why Muzungu does more than just invest money. Our global network opens domestic and international doors so our partners can grow and expand as they enter new markets.



In our partnerships, we promote the dedicated engagement of the company’s founding team. You remain firmly in charge, while our hands-on coaching approach allows you to focus your attention on your products and objectives.


Muzungu’s management board is made up of experienced entrepreneurs who have developed winning business models, built up large companies, asserted their claim on new markets, created innovative products and services and led their businesses through successful exit strategies. What we all have in common is a passion for doing – and for sharing our expertise with others.

Ronald Paul
Ronald Paul
Founder & CEO

Ronald Paul, Founder and CEO: Under his leadership, Paul’s first company grew from two employees to more than 400 – with 18 locations in 16 different countries. With an exclusive network of contacts in Europe, US and Asia, Paul is one of the most experienced veterans in the digital industry. As the founder of Muzungu, he supports the growth of digital companies, pursuing one clear goal: “create and exponentially improve value”.

Thomas Falk
Thomas Falk
Venture Partner

Thomas Falk, Venture Partner: Fascinated by the opportunities, which technology paired with the internet offer, Thomas Falk founded his first company while still in school. Now he counts as one of Europe’s most successful entrepreneurs and has a deep executive experience along the whole digital value chain. Mr. Falk can rely on an extensive network in the internet technology industry spanning all of Europe and the US.

“We work together with companies on their way to the top, applying our personal commitment, business finesse and international expertise.”

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Please refrain from sending us complete business plans. If you think your company fits our concept, send us a PDF file containing a brief and inspiring elevator pitch.

Muzungu GmbH
Rheinlandstrasse 5
80805 Munich